Outside my work-space windows there is a view of trees; trees that are beautiful now in mid-June, here in New York where I live. I am used to noticing them late in the day framed against the afterglow of the sunset, in the northwestern sky. This morning though, I saw these trees differently, reflected in the windowpane on the opposite wall. Absentmindedly, I looked up and there they were, reflected in the glass with their aura on full display. I was completely taken with the beauty of what I was seeing, with the joy of seeing more than I usually do. Almost immediately, I thought of the New Republic of the Heart Community, where we encourage each other to see more, to be attentive to new perceptions and what they mean and how they draw us forward.
Later in the morning, wondering if there were something more to be gleaned from this experience, I recalled that it was the aura of many trees together that so impacted me. So it is with us:
- Together we find our way.
- Together we engender strength.
- Together we consciously enjoin our evolutionary becoming.
- Together we heal the Earth.
- Together we make beauty.
Now as evening falls, I pray that as the trees give life-saving breath to the whole Earth, we too may be givers of life-saving breath.