Step Into a Life of Freedom, Fullness and Purpose
Discover a more personalized and holistic spiritual practice that integrates your body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit — so you can show up fully in every area of your life and participate creatively in a complex, evolving world.
Evolving Yourself and Our World
If you feel a clear calling to become a more conscious, loving, purposeful, and embodied human being and show up in a creative way that benefits our world, then you’ve probably already discovered that there isn’t a short cut.
Sustained change requires a whole transformational lifestyle, including daily, dedicated, transformative practice.

A Radical Commitment
Ancient approaches to transformation don’t address the increasing complexity of our lives, and modern approaches are partial in their approaches. With the many demands on our attention and the many societal challenges we’re all holding, it can be hard to establish a daily spiritual practice, let alone a truly holistic or integral one that touches all aspects of life!
Yet in spite of these challenges, you are still committed and courageous enough to participate in the the evolving of consciousness and culture—because you deeply feel the imperative to create a better future for yourself, your loved ones, and our world. You also might sense that a profound transformation in your life will happen on all levels when you finally make the choice and radically commit to a daily integral spiritual practice.
A Life of Practice
Creating a better future for yourself and our world begins once you give up the search for short cuts and joyfully embrace a life of practice.
During the Integral Spiritual Practice (ISP) – The Essential Online Course, you’ll step into your own life of practice through personalized, daily disciplines rooted in integral and evolutionary principles.
With a conscious integration of mind, body, heart, soul and spirit, Integral Spiritual Practice offers an unprecedented way to resolve the tensions between ancient wisdom practices, new modern discoveries, and the complex challenges we face individually and collectively.
When you discover the deep joy of a life of practice, you become a new kind of human being, with the freedom, fullness and purpose to more creatively engage all of life.

Reimagined for Ease of Access
Explore What’s Included in the ISP Course
Integral Spiritual Practice (ISP) is a self-guided online course that you can begin and experience at your own pace. The recommended pace is 16 weeks total — 2 weeks for each session & its corresponding assignments and practices.
Once you enroll, you will always have access to ISP — including new content and enhancements over time — and you’ll always be connected to ISP’s international community of practitioners through an online forum.
Eight 90-minute Audio Course Sessions
Easily access sessions online or on your mobile device. Sessions are also divided into 15-minute lessons for when you have less time.
Session Guides, Practice Worksheets and Reflection Questions
Embody your insights through weekly & daily practices. ISP exercises are designed to help in very practical ways and integrate breakthroughs you experience.
ISP Online Community Forum
Ask questions, engage in conversations, and enjoyi meaningful connections with your facilitators, fellow practitioners, and the New Republic of the Heart community.
Downloadable Recordings
Easily download any course recording to listen to sessions, revisit important moments, or enjoy guided meditations when you’re not online.
PDF Transcripts of Each Session
Quickly revisit key teachings and FAQs as you step into a life of higher calling — or read along and take notes for a more immersive experience.
Integral Guided Meditations
Experience powerful, clarifying insights, progressively deeper states of heartfelt feeling-awareness, and profound new realizations of Self and Spirit through these exclusive guided processes.
Integral "3D" Workouts
Combine movement, stillness, awareness and feeling with innovative daily workouts (from 2 minutes to an hour) that enliven, strengthen and balance your body, mind, heart, and spirit.
Meet Your Teacher
Terry Patten
After 15 years of spiritual discipline in a monastic setting, Terry Patten joined Integral Institute in 2004, where he worked closely with Ken Wilber to develop Integral Life Practice and co-author the book Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening. For more than a decade, Terry created Integral trainings for thousands around the world, including Integral Spiritual Practice, Living the Integral Heart and Integral Soul Journey. He also founded the Bay Area Integral nonprofit and community.
In recent years, Terry became an influential voice for facing our global crises through the marriage of spiritual practice and activism. He authored A New Republic of the Heart and founded a nonprofit of the same name to educate spiritual practitioners and change agents in “holistic social transformation.”

Terry passed away in 2021. He considered Integral Spiritual Practice his richest teaching offering and a culmination of his 50 years of spiritual practice, teaching and, of course, always learning.
A Letter from Terry
Dear Friend,
I’m deeply honored that you’re considering taking my Integral Spiritual Practice Course. When I first began my spiritual journey, I never could have imagined that I’d have the extraordinary privilege to learn from some of the world’s greatest living masters and be part of communities of pioneering consciousness researchers testing the limits of ancient wisdom and breaking through to new ground. My Integral Spiritual Practice program is a complete system of powerful spiritual tools, teachings and techniques, distilled into an easy to use, integral and evolutionary framework.
During the course, you’ll experience—step by step—how a sustainable practice activates the full potentials of your body, mind, spirit, heart, and soul. Best of all, you’ll be part of a conscious global community of integral spiritual practitioners who are exploring what it means to co-create a new cultural movement that brings an awakened, heart-centered intelligence to the challenges facing our rapidly evolving world.
This will result in a practice that is completely and totally customized to you. Whether you are a seasoned veteran of the spiritual path, or are just beginning to awaken to your highest possibilities, I designed the course to give you the guidance, insight, and support you’ll need to catalyze your conscious evolution. There is nothing that gave more meaning to my life than being able to share this work with those who feel called to receive it, practice it, be transformed, and be a blessing in the lives of others.
In gratitude,
What Luminaries Say about Terry Patten
What ISP Students Say about the Course
Start Integral Spiritual Practice Now
Enroll today or contact us with questions.
Here’s What You’ll Learn
Explore the Eight Sessions of Integral Spiritual Practice
Session One:
Learning the Secrets of a Daily Practice That Sticks
The Foundations of Integral Spiritual Practice
You will learn how to…
- Learn the easiest and most basic form of a daily practice that will immediately change the dynamics of your everyday life—a simple morning practice ritual incorporating movement and stillness.
- Discover a new level of confidence and self-respect, simply through the act of having a regular everyday practice.
- Activate the key insights from the latest scientific research to change your habits without strenuous feats of superhuman willpower.
- Learn the most fundamental unit of practice that can be done in literally just a moment—to activate the “art” of everyday awakening.
Session Two:
Building Your Unstoppable Momentum
The Practice of Living Beyond Limits
You will learn how to…
- Deepen your morning practice with a new guided exercise process and meditation developed especially for this course.
- Learn how to overcome guilt, doubt, and inertia on the path, so that you will always be able to resume practicing, no matter what obstacles you encounter.
- Learn to understand, recognize, and access the innate joy that can re-inspire your practice, even in the darkest times.
- Become adept at “changing your inner weather” by learning to be your own most compassionate, loving and tender friend.
- Free yourself from the endless push-pull between your “inner parents” and your childish impulses by contacting your own strong, clear source of inner toughness.
Session Three:
Tapping Into the Awesome Energy of Evolution
The Practice of Evolutionary Creativity & Emergence
You will learn how to…
- Step into “the big picture” of what’s really happening in your life and in our world on the largest evolutionary scale.
- Discover the impulse of evolution within you, and learn how to express it in everyday life.
- Experience the liberating connection between the big picture of evolution and the most intimate scale of your moment-to-moment existence.
- Find out how to feel peaceful,contented acceptance of yourself and life as it is, while still allowing a passionate urgency to motivate your own transformation.
- Discover how to connect your life’s sacred mission to a vast source of renewable inspirational power.
Session Four:
Finding Absolute Freedom in Any Moment
The Practice of Ever-Present Awareness
You will learn how to…
- Learn how to more deeply relax into the infinitely spacious reality that is prior to any and every experience, no matter how “good” or “bad”.
- Decode the process of taking perspectives to reveal the liberating and luminous nature of awareness itself.
- Become able to access freedom and clarity without having to change your perspectives or experiences.
- Discover the liberating practice of resting as awareness itself for brief moments—anytime, anywhere.
Session Five:
Achieving Dynamic Balance in a Crazy World
The Practice of Navigating the Whitewater of 21st-Century Life
You will learn how to…
- Optimize your nervous system to stop tuning into unhealthy frequencies of stress and anxiety.
- Dare to go deeper than denial and numbness to face the “terrible truth” of our times, and learn why it is only one part of a more optimistic story.
- Avoid the pitfalls of fear-based thinking which leads to despair, denial, and paranoia.
- Discover the potentials of a “wonderful secret” that has the power to radically elevate your life.
- Wake up from our media-saturated “consensus trance” into the hopeful and wholesome reality of life’s sacred mystery.
Session Six:
Liberating Your Emotions & Aligning with Your Highest Purpose
The Practice of Integral Shadow & Soul-Work
You will learn how to…
- Face and feel the paradoxical reality that defines your generation (whatever your age).
- Release the powerful energy of fear, shame and grief by discovering the courage to face these universal emotions.
- Forgive yourself for being imperfect and prone to struggle with life.
- Discover the amazing field of connection and care that can arise when you face your shadows authentically and vulnerably within safe community structures.
- Uncover your soul’s unique gifts to the world—the “diamonds on the soles of your shoes”.
Session Seven:
Resetting Your Happiness Set Point
The Practice of Finding Your Radical “YES” to Life
You will learn how to…
- Journey to your deepest levels of ambivalence about being alive, imperfect, and wired for struggle in an unpredictable world.
- Discover how to welcome and accept that ambivalence in a way that enables you to wholeheartedly choose the life you were given.
- Learn how to continually bring that “yes” into your life choices—both the big ones and the little ones.
- Discover a new window on the radiant glory of existence, and thus become more able to embrace your day-to-day reality.
- Engage the power of gratitude and forgiveness, and learn how to make these attitudes a core feature of your engagement with the world.
Session Eight:
Discovering Your Hidden Sources of Intimacy & Support
The Practice of Integral Spiritual Community
You will learn how to…
- Experience the profound intimacy that arises when sincere practitioners explore their fears, hopes, and highest aspirations vulnerably together.
- Take the journey of joining with others in creatively and productively asking our “biggest questions”—even questions for which none of us yet have sufficient answers!
- Be supported and support others in embodying healthy sustainable community locally, with near and regional neighbors, perhaps even daring to create and lead in new ways.
- Consider and practice ways you can creatively respond to community shocks or changes that may arise in the months and years ahead.
- Prepare to persist and deepen in your integral practice and build the support you need over time after this course ends.
Special Offer Celebrating Terry Patten’s Life (Ends Tuesday, December 10th)
In honor of the 3-year anniversary of Terry’s passing and in celebration of his teaching legacy, we’re offering ISP for 30% off. We hope you’ll benefit from the course and the savings!
ISP Promo – Members
30% Off – Ends Dec. 10th, 2024- Access to All ISP Course Materials Forever
- Limited-Time $135 Discount
- Online Community Forum
- Access to Future Course Enhancement
ISP Promo Non-Members
30% Off – Ends Dec 10, 2024- Access to All ISP Course Materials Forever
- Limited-Time $135 Discount
- Online Community Forum
- Access to Future Course Enhancement
ISP – Standard Price
Available Anytime- Some supporters prefer to pay the standard price of $450 as a gesture of support.
- This is the same course, so if you prefer 30% off, please select ISP Promo while it’s available.
Still Have Questions about Integral Spiritual Practice?
Contact us with your questions or schedule a 15-minute consultation to learn more.