A New Republic
of the Heart
You’re invited to join our vibrant & co-creative community of practice
Join us in spiritual friendship and joyful, collaborative action to respond to the opportunities of our time.
It’s Time to Face Our Predicament
We may have averted some immediate-term disasters, but our structural problems are grave. Cultural madness is gripping millions of our fellow citizens all over the world.
We’re being asked to face the harsh truths, immediately, and to do it together.
It’s time to stop pretending that we can keep living as we were before, that our crisis will be solved for us by the next election or a technological breakthrough or an awakened leader who turns the tide.
And it’s time to stop pretending that you are completely innocent. The bubble we’ve lived in has been popped — and we’re realizing the ways that we’ve each participated in the unsustainable and unconscious culture that created this predicament.
It’s time for profound reckoning, grieving, and humility — but as a transformative process, that bridges us to wisdom and a new level of collective maturity.

This is a call to transformation, to let the darkness upgrade our very way of being and relating and being of benefit. Let’s discover what’s deeper than depression and disorientation — the unconditional grace and beauty of this human life — and learn to live it profoundly, together.
Who Will We Choose to Be?
What if we reclaim our responsibility for how we got here and for that comes next? Might we also reclaim our power — remembering that we already co-create our world? If we commit to live as radically new people — together — can we advance the great project of consciously evolving culture?

Each of us can sense there is a depth of soul — and together there is a depth of friendship — at which a more courageous adulthood can arise. It can face our disorienting challenges with trust, patience, and wisdom — and fiercely assert the natural authority of sanity.
And yet, such a transformation requires more than civic action — and more than spiritual practice. It requires us to hold one another through this “rough initiation” — it’s challenging and changing so many dimensions of our lives, all at once! We’re being called to raise the bar of our spiritual practice, our sensemaking, our relational capacities, our effective real-world social impact, and more. We’re being called to holistic social transformation.
Holistic Social Transformation
What can happen if we practice in a truly holistic way together? How much more aliveness and influence can we command when we commit ourselves fully to the higher purpose of our time?
It won’t be enough to practice only personal transformation, or only relationship, or only social action, but radically committing to all three is a daring and powerful move — a new way of being human together that has a shot at turning things around.

The Principles of Our Community
You’re invited into a co-creative, evolving community, in which members from over 20 countries are committing to multiple shifts in their lives. So far, we have outlined the eight principles of our work together, detailed below. If you join us, you will be able to experience these shifts in your own life, see them happening in others, and add your gifts to enrich our work together.

1) Inner Work
We commit to practicing every day and we begin to relate to all of life as practice
We engage life as a never-ending opportunity for practice, growth, and transformation — a conscious and constructive relationship to every moment of living.
- We awaken from the fixed perspective of a separate self-sense to an intuition of Wholeness
- We establish a daily practice through “the 5 M’s” — Mornings, Moments, Mission, Milestones, and Momentum
- We come to a deepening appreciation of how practices enhance each other
- We make a life-changing shift from being a seeker to being a practioner
2) Interpersonal Work
We co-create higher we-space and authentic relationship
We enter deep we-space by building awareness, trust, and intimacy as well as shared perspectives, values, and intentions.
- We cultivate capacities to see and be seen by others in small groups and in our full community sessions
- We deepen somatic and energetic awareness in we-space and our ways of being there
- We awaken into a new source of wisdom arising in our shared field of awareness
- We create “virtuous cycles” of mutual blessing and empowerment
3) Outer Work
We commit to being of benefit through practical action that influences systems
In a suffering and fragmented world, we explore which actions make a meaningful difference and how we can sustain our contribution with integrity.
- We commit to a cause or initiative greater than ourselves and take responsibility for creating consequential results
- We note where we have influence — our own life choices, our family, community, work, organizations & institutions — and take action there
- We learn to convene and skillfully participate in “conversations that matter”
4) Radical Commitment
We break from society’s consensus trance and create a new human pattern
Our experiment is radical in the sense that we are coming together to live on the basis of an entirely new emergent pattern. We open to radical change — in ourselves and the world.
- We explore what it takes to break free of society’s consensus trance
- We experiment with making wise changes to our news, media, and cultural diets
- We support one another to keep going sane in an increasingly unhinged world
5) Emergence
We open to being lived by the impulse of evolution and see opportunity in challenge
In the face of our daunting predicament, we realize that our future is not fixed. We open up to the evolutionary impulse of emergence and invite creativity, possibility, and the miraculous.
- We learn to view our lives, and this point in history, within the great story of evolution
- We practice going beyond our creative edges and allowing latent leadership capabilities to come forth
- We relate to loss and crisis as opportunities to invite emergent creative responses
- We tap into the awesome power of the evolutionary impulse and let it inspire us
6) Whole-Systems Change
We redefine activism as a multidimensional, systemic, and holistic endeavor
We understand that all parts of a system are interconnected and influence one another — and rapid social transformation calls for a change in our very way of being as well as what we do.
- We discover the untapped opportunities of an integral whole-systems approach to social change
- We inspect our own worldviews and paradigms, and awaken from their limitations
- We look for leverage points in the system for catalyzing holistic transformation
7) Soul Work
We discover and embody our unique care, purpose, and genius
What does it mean to fulfill our soul’s unique story and purpose? What is the synergy among awakened souls?
- We practice and hold space for each other in listening to the still, small voice of our soul
- We open to our deepest reasons for being alive, becoming more grounded and more courageous
- By doing soul work in community we discover the synergies among our unique souls and tap into the power of the “world soul”
8) Wholeness
We come to know our prior unity and an interconnected relationship to all of life
When we recognize our prior unity and orient to life as the practice of wholeness, we not only awaken to the luminous nature of every moment, we magnify our capacity to be of service.
- We practice meditation, open into samadhi, and rest as open awareness
- We expand direct sensory awareness of our interconnectedness with the living earth and the more-than-human world
- We cultivate and stabilize a sense of wonder, gratitude, and curiosity that can navigate our turbulent times

How We Meet and Collaborate
Full Community Sessions
Every 2-3 weeks — Wed at 12 PM Pacific (Recordings available)
- Join live with dedicated practitioners from all over the world
- Drop into deep presence through group meditation
- Experience teachings that respond to relevant current events
- Enter deep we-space practice in breakout groups
- Share and listen in active, community-wide discussion
"Circles" and Collaborative Projects (Optional)
Several “Circles” have emerged within our community dedicated to specific interests, the development of certain skills and capacities, and for experimentation. Circles are meet consistently every 1-2 weeks.
Also, we occasionally organize Special Sessions, during which members present ideas, facilitate exercises, and catalyze the evolution of the community.
Small Group "Pods" (Optional)
Groups of ~5 people, Every 2–3 weeks
Join like-hearted souls in courageous, vulnerable conversation, mutual support, we-space practice, and intensive training based on principles introduced in our Full Community Meetings
Partner "Dyads" (Optional)
Groups of 2 people, Every 1-2 weeks
Practice more intimate relating, offer your focused support, enter deep we-space, and create next-level friendships with another member of our community. Dyad partners change every ~3 months, so you’re able to explore relationships with other community members
Your "Outer Work" Commitment
If you are not already actively engaged in beneficial activism, doing the “outer work,” you will choose an arena in which to engage at least two hours per week. You can originate your own project or join an existing initiative, organization, or cause. (There are so many ways to be of real service!) You are welcome to apply to volunteer for A New Republic of the Heart, as well. You are also invited to share your experience and growth with the whole community in our community meetings.
Private Online Forum
All members enjoy access to our private forum and social network where you’ll find teachings, recordings, links and information about sessions, instruction guides, external resources, and more. It’s also a place to meet fellow participants, connect, share insights and discoveries, convene conversations, ask for support, and respond to the requests of others. We also share our projects, writings, and other creative expressions here.
Meet Our Amazing Community
More than familiar faces on a screen, A New Republic of the Heart is a living, co-creative, celebratory network of tender friends and new “colleagues” in the work of consciously advancing culture. We now span over 20 countries as scholars, healers, entrepreneurs, activists, artists, engineers, teachers, retired volunteers, and much more — the “founding members” of a new, vibrant, global community committed to making a real impact. Below are a few shares from those in the community.
“Thank you all for helping us grow flowers instead of storms. This is blossoming into something. It is building rooms where the truth can be freely spoken. I feel a big movement in the world of this connecting, even while some craziness is going on.”
“The courage that has emerged here is really what I was seeking […] allowing me to reach out into my community and be the Warrioress I knew I was. And giving me the language of activism and being an activist. All of this steeped in love and more love.”
“This experience is bringing me the capacity to overcome survival mode […] having this connection to something greater so we can overcome the difficult times we may be experiencing soon. I am having this great source to keep evolving.”
“One year ago, I was lost in frustration and I had no outer work. [ … ] However, today I have grounded myself and I have for the first time in my life felt that I am loved. I go from here out into the world and I have my outer work.”
“I just want to appreciate all my dyad and pod friends who taught me so much in our conversations. Since we started, I’ve set up meditation classes, I’m setting up a local group, and I’ve done campaigning as well — three campaigns!”
“What’s happening inside myself is I have grown more aware of the suffering of other people, and how important it is to be open to these feelings and to let them work on me. I have become more certain of how important activism is.”
“I’m so grateful that I stood up for this and that you all received me. I’m grateful for the faces that I see that I am able to get to know through the pods and the dyads. I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue. […] Just so much appreciation for what is to come.”
“My groups and dyads have held me and supported me in the shifts I wanted to have. I feel very clear now on who I am, where I’m going, and what I want to do […] The ripple affects for us as individuals and as a group will keep happening for years to come.”
“The transmission and quality of our space has continually expanded, grown, matured and deepened. I’m so amazed. I would not have known this was possible. I honestly think we’re on the cutting edge of the most important thing to do in the world right now.”

Terry Patten was the founder of A New Republic of the Heart, and his vision and teachings still guide our nonprofit mission and our community of practice.
Terry was a philosopher, activist, social entrepreneur, and teacher of a spiritual practice and personal transformation. He was the author A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries and Integral Life Practice, which he co-wrote with Ken Wilber and colleagues.
Terry also founded the consciousness technology company Tools for Exploration, was a leader at the HeartMath Institute, and advised businesses addressing restorative forestry, fossil-fuel alternatives, collective trauma, and the reclaiming of personal data and power.

Siobhan McClory is the co-director of program development, faculty, co-facilitator, and community manager for the social experiment and is a member of the founding team of A New Republic of the Heart. She is a certified Integral Master coach™ trained by ICC (Integral Coaching Canada) and is a long term spiritual practitioner.
For the past decade, Siobhan has been immersed in human development, transformational learning, and Terry’s profoundly unique synthesis. Her committed participation in this work enables her to bring together her passion for creativity, collaboration, and commitment to being of service in these challenging times.
Praise for Terry’s Vision of A New Republic of the Heart
“The world is changing now, rapidly and radically. Terry Patten imparts a challenging insight to us all—helping us feel and understand how the world is calling us to transform our interior lives as well as our behaviors relating to our immediate urgent evolutionary challenges.”
“Like all true spiritual guides, Terry Patten shows us how to open our hearts and respond to this suffering world.”
“A superb, terrific, exciting, sane, and enlightening look at truly integral approaches to activism. It represents a social activism that is certainly social, but also personal, emotional, spiritual, ecological, relational, and that points toward the very leading-edge of evolution.”
“In a stunning marriage of wild heart and cool mind, Terry Patten turns the black diamond of our global darkness to illuminate our hearts, hone our wills for selfless service, and resplendently deepen our commitment to enact our divine identity and its joy, whatever happens.”
“Terry Patten brings a wealth of integral thinking to a seminal perspective on human and cultural development. The genius of this work lies in his deep knowledge of inner practices that offer a synergy of body, mind, and spirituality that evolve the human condition and elevates ways of being and working in the world.”
“Terry Patten has woven together strands from evolutionary neuroscience, deep ecology, integral theory, and spiritual wisdom to offer a practical path forward out of humanity’s current morass.”
Choose Your Participation Level
You may fully participate in the community (as a Co-Creator) or start by attending our main gatherings (as a “Being of Benefit”) if you have less time available. If you’re able to pay more than the suggested contributions below, it will make participation possible for those who cannot, or if you cannot afford the suggested contributions, we will make limited scholarships available. In either case, please contact us.
Full Access to All Community Offerings- Access to full community sessions, “Circles,” small group “Pods,” partner “Dyads,” special sessions, and collaborative projects.
- All new members commit to at least six months. This commitment is essential to our own transformation and the deep brother-sisterhood that’s alive in the community.
Being of Benefit
Access to Our Community Sessions and Forum- For members with very limited time in their schedules, you may join our community sessions every 2-3 weeks and engage in conversations in our online forum.
- All new members commit to at least six months. This commitment is essential to our own transformation and the deep brother-sisterhood that’s alive in the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When are the live community sessions?
A: Full community sessions in will occur on Wednesdays at 12 Noon Pacific Time (CA), every 2-3 weeks. If you participate in a small group “pod” and/or partner group “dyad”, they will be scheduled at a time that works for you and your fellow members.
Q: What if I can’t make all of the sessions?
A: Each session is recorded, both in video and audio format. So, if you have a scheduling conflict, you can always watch or listen at your convenience!
Q: How do I Join an Online Video Session?
A: Video meetings are simple and easy ways to learn, make friends and be part of our community. It also allows our community to welcome people from anywhere in the world, and with great flexibility—home, office, or wherever you have a reliable internet connection. You can participate via computer, mobile device, or telephone. We use Zoom video conferencing for our live meetings, and we provide you with detailed instructions. It’s easy and a lot of fun!
There is no additional charge for using Zoom via computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call, charged according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.
Q: How does the Community Online Forum work?
A: Our online community is open only to “Co-Creator” members of our community. Our intention is to provide a lively, supportive environment where you can continue the conversations from our Community Sessions and explore new, emergent conversations with other members.
Q: How do the Small Group Pods and Partner Dyads work?
A: After you’ve attended a couple of Community Sessions, you’ll complete a survey to determine timezone compatibility, and then be introduced to your first dyad partner (2 people) and pod (4–6 people). You’re also welcome to self-organize and choose your own partners. Dyad meetings range from 30–60 minutes. Pod meetings will range from 75–90 minutes. You will work together to establish a day and time for your meetings and determine the platform you’ll be using for your meetings, either by video (Ex. Zoom, Skype, Adobeconnect) or audio (ex. Freeconferencecall.com, Maestroconference.com). Dyad partners will change every ~8 weeks.
Q: What if I can’t commit the time required but I want to be part of it?
A: If you are a sincerely interested, supportive individual and your life doesn’t allow you to commit to this whole experiment, you are still wholeheartedly invited to be a supportive observer and participate in a more limited capacity. If you’re interested in this option, complete the normal sign-up process and we will give you an opportunity to define your desired level of engagement shortly after.
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Participation in our social experiment is paid monthly, and there is a minimum commitment of 6 months to participate. Our lean nonprofit team makes a huge investment in generating the community, and as we cohere a group field, it hurts everyone whenever anyone drops out. So we invite you to register, participate, confirm your commitment, and if you don’t cancel within 30 days, to fulfill the required 6 months of participation and payment.
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please contact us at replies@newrepublicoftheheart.org and we’ll connect with you by email, phone or Zoom depending on your questions.