
Thomas Hübl
Thomas Hübl is spiritual teacher, author, and the founder of the Academy of Inner Science. He is a leading voice in addressing collective trauma and his teaching transmits the unity of consciousness and all of life, helping us live with agility, curiosity, and inclusivity.
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Thomas Hübl’s teaching integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions with the discoveries of contemporary science, combining somatic awareness practices, advanced meditative practices, and transformational processes that address both individual and collective trauma. He has worked with more than 100,000 people worldwide through workshops, multi-year training programs and online courses. Thomas has guided large-scale healing events that have brought together thousands of Germans and Israelis to acknowledge, face and heal the cultural shadow left by the Holocaust. He is also the founder of the nonprofit Pocket Project, which aims to increase awareness and understanding of collective trauma and reduce its effects. Through his nonprofit organization, Thomas seeks to facilitate conscious cultural change with initiatives such as the popular Celebrate Life Festival, a multi-day immersive event that takes place annually in either Germany or the U.S. His forthcoming book on collective trauma will be published in 2020.

For more information on Thomas Hübl, check out the following resources:

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