
Indra Adnan
Indra is a cosmolocal community organizer, political theorist, and social psychotherapist. As Co-Initiator of The Alternative UK political platform, she is building community collaboratories across the UK to catalyze local and large-scale social change.
The Alternative UK
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Indra Adnan is Founder and Co-initiator of The Alternative UK political platform which publishes The Daily Alternative, convenes new system actors and builds cosmolocal community agency networks (CANs). Indra is concurrently a psychosocial therapist, journalist and author. Through her work on international relations and soft power she has consulted to the World Economic Forum, Indian and Danish governments, NATO, the Scottish Executive and the Institute of Contemporary Arts amongst others. She is Co-Lead in the social enterprise network Bounce Beyond working to cohere the next global economies. Her book The Politics of Waking Up: Power & Possibility In The Fractal Age was published by Perspectiva Press in 2021.


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