No, This Is NOT Good Enough

December 13, 2019

A conversation with

<h1>Daniel Görtz</h1>

Daniel Görtz

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Political philosopher and sociologist Daniel Görtz, Ph.D. is a leader of “the Nordic school” of metamodernism. This school of thought approaches what many know as Ken Wilber’s integral theory, but takes it in a secularized and politicized direction, while connecting more closely to cultural currents in society, within the arts and beyond. Daniel lives in Sweden and works for Metamoderna, the publisher of metamodern books, and for Glimworks, an IT-company where he is In-House Philosopher. For more information on Daniel Görtz, Ph.D. and Terry Patten, check out the following resources: To learn more about the work we are doing, visit: Check out this episode!
photo of Daniel-Görtz
Guest: Daniel Görtz
Political philosopher and sociologist Daniel Gortz is a leader of "the Nordic school" of metamodernism. Daniel is co-author of the important Hanzi Freinacht books, which take post-postmodern developmental awareness in a secularized direction toward the truly integral politics our world needs.
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Host: Terry Patten

Terry Patten is a philosopher, teacher, activist, consultant, and social entrepreneur. He is the author of  A New Republic of the Heart – An Ethos for Revolutionaries and the co-author with Ken Wilber and others of Integral Life Practice. Terry is the founder of the nonprofit A New Republic of the Heart and the creator of the State of Emergence podcast .

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