
Dustin DiPerna
Dustin DiPerna is a scholar and author, focused on the nature and evolution of the world’s religions, spiritual paths and philosophies.
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About Dustin DiPerna

Dustin DiPerna is a scholar and author, focused on the nature and evolution of the world’s religions, spiritual paths and philosophies. He is also a teacher, coach and entrepreneur who helps individuals and groups find happier and more fulfilling ways of being in the world. He is author and/or editor of four books: Streams of Wisdom, Evolution’s Ally, The Coming Waves and Earth is Eden (forthcoming in 2016).

Dustin has held positions with the Integral Institute, the Integral Spiritual Center and the World Council of Religious and Spiritual Leaders (WCORL). As an entrepreneur, Dustin launched Integral Publishing House as a platform to publish books which stimulate the development of deeper levels of consciousness and culture. He also co-founded WEpractice, a training program to help people move beyond the limitations of individualized spiritual practice to discover the power of groups in transformation, integration, and healing.

Dustin also played a central role on the leadership team for the Global Cooperative Forum in Interlaken, Switzerland and launched the World Business Commons in partnership with the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. His latest venture, Bright Alliance, is building an endowment for the continued preservation and dissemination of the great treasure trove of human wisdom sourced in our world’s great religious traditions. Dustin holds an undergraduate degree from Cornell University and a Masters of Liberal Arts degree in Religion from Harvard University. An avid lover of art, design and nature, he lives in California with his wife, Amanda, and daughter, Jaya.