Header image with text for Terry Tribute One Year Later
Remembering & Celebrating Terry Patten - Live Event

Hi friend,

If you are reading this, you are woven into a web of connectedness and spiritual friendship through the work and teachings of our beloved Terry Patten. Like us, you might feel an immediate sense of openheartedness and gratitude when remembering Terry — and while it’s been nearly a year since Terry passed, his unique voice, his tireless passion, his big laugh, and his disarming vulnerability somehow still feel available to us.

We invite you to join us — along with Terry’s former students, friends, and colleagues — for a special gathering this Sunday, October 30 at 10:30 AM Pacific (CA). We will meet at the one-year mark of Terry’s passing to remember all that he shared with us and celebrate the gifts that we carry forward in our own lives and endeavors. 

Click Here to RSVP for the Event or Receive the Recording

On Sunday, we will hear directly from some of Terry’s close friends and colleagues who collaborated with him through the final chapters of his work. We will celebrate his emphasis on “the Heart,” his brilliant synthesis of our current collective challenges, his theory of change and call for “holistic social transformation,” his vision for transformational communities of practice, and his 50+ years of committed spiritual practice, which shined so brightly at the end of his life. In addition to hearing from Terry’s colleagues, we will revisit a few videos of Terry teaching and offer an opportunity for attendees to share their reflections. 

Thank you so much for all you meant to Terry and all you mean to our community. Let’s gather together to remember our friend and the like-heartedness that all of us share with one another.

RSVP Here to attend or receive the recording

With Love,

All of us on Terry’s team at A New Republic of the Heart