
Sean Esbjörn-Hargens
A global leader in the application of integrative thinking, Sean Esbjörn-Hargens is also pioneering an integral approach to anomalous phenomena and "exo realities."
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Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD is a global leader in the application of integrative thinking to leader development and organizational design. For the last decade he has worked with a variety of mainstream and progressive mission-driven companies. He has made significant contributions to the fields of integral ecology, integral business, integral education, and integral research. Beginning in 2006 he created several graduate programs based on integral theory and has hosted the four Integral Theory Conferences. In 2011 he founded MetaIntegral ( a social impact network that supports change leaders around the world in applying integrative principles. 

In 2018 he founded the Exo Studies Institute ( through which he is joining others in pioneering the field of exo studies, which takes an integral approach to anomalous phenomena including UFOs/ETs. Sean combines a strong academic background in the philosophy of science and integrative metatheories with an open-hearted exploration of the mystery and multi-layered nature of reality. He has also had his fair share of first-person “exo” experiences, which makes this exploration personally salient and meaningful. 

Sean has also been a long-term practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, A. H. Almaas’ Diamond Heart, and Celtic Christianity as a result he has a keen interest in translineage transformation and comparing contemplative traditions. He has published and edited numerous articles, chapters, and books. His most recent books are Metatheory for the Twenty-first Century (2015) and Dancing with Sophia: Integral Philosophy on the Verge (2019). His new article on non-human intelligences can be accessed here: Our Wild Kosmos!  Currently, Sean is the Dean of Integral Education at the California Institute for Human Science where he also serves as Program Director for two integral PhD programs.

For more information on Sean, check out the following resources:

Sean’s “Exo Studies” Institute

Sean’s recent paper, “Our Wild Kosmos!: An Exo Studies Exploration of the Ontological Status of Non-Human Intelligences”

What’s Up With UFOs? website

MetaIntegral website

Book edited by Sean in 2015, Metatheory for the Twenty-First Century

Book edited by Sean in 2019, Dancing with Sophia: Integral Philosophy on the Verge

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