
Jude Currivan
The brilliant cosmologist and futurist Jude Currivan shares her understanding of the quantum nature of reality and its profound potentials for creative emergence.
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Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, a futurist, a senior businessperson, a holistic activist, and a playful, joyful inspirational force of nature. Her work integrates some of the most revolutionary implications of 21st-century physics and consciousness research with the most essential understandings of humanity’s wisdom teachings in the form of what she calls the “whole-world-view.” Jude holds a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University specializing in cosmology and quantum physics and a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK researching ancient cosmologies. She has authored six non-fiction books including Cosmos, which she co-authored with Ervin Laszlo. Her latest is The Cosmic Hologram- In-formation at the Center of Creation. Jude is a mystic, but she also has extensive experience and knowledge of world events, international politics and global economic and financial systems and has spoken on transformational reforms in the UK, US, Europe, Japan and South Korea. She’s also a personal friend — we met through the Evolutionary Leaders circle that Deepak Chopra founded — and I treasure the generous bright light she shines wherever she goes.

For more information on Jude Currivan, check out the following links:

Jude Currivan’s Website

WholeWorld-View Community

Jude’s latest book, The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of the Universe


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