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What we intend

by | Nov 11, 2018 | Info | 0 comments

to help wake us up to what time it is on the planet!

A New Republic of the Heart, a California (USA) 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, was created to help wake us up to what time it is on the planet — in a way that helps people move through denial, anger, grief and despair to a new level of inspired practice and activism. Our aim, stated most simply, is to work on all levels, interior and exterior, individual and collective, to bolster health and wholeness during our current crisis of fragmentation.

This nonprofit organization is dedicated to supporting the emergence of a new stage of maturity among human beings — working at the level of individuals, friends, families, organizations, communities, and cultures. Ultimately, we intend to serve the whole of human civilization and even the harmonious relations of human beings and the non-human world. But our work begins simply and realistically — with a series of discrete projects.

Our first tasks are educational. We intend to bring about broader awareness of the many insights in the book A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries. Here are some of the ways we plan to do that:

Raise public awareness.

Raise awareness of the key insights integrated in the book,A New Republic of the Heartthrough many channels, from word-of-mouth to mainstream media, and including social media and non-traditional networks.

Through media appearances, articles, public speaking and other publicity and public communications, by Terry Patten and others, we intend to communicate the opportunity for individuals to awaken and grow and link up with others to form communities of practice and social responsibility that can meaningfully impact culture and society and the human future.


We intend to produce and launch a regular podcast, where Terry Patten will convene “conversations that matter” with leading thinkers. This may in time grow to a family of podcasts and other media productions.

Podcast episodes will bring together popular intellectuals and bridge divides between key bodies of discourse (like those of Innovators, Ecologists and Evolutionaries).

They will also explore important new cultural movements (like yin leadership).
They will engage an ongoing public exploration of how we can all more effectively evolve culture, consciousness, behavior and systems on behalf of the future of all we love.

Create healthy community.

Be community. This organization itself intends to be a community of practice and activism. We intend to enact the kinds of conversations and “we-space” described in A New Republic of the Heart, uplifting our consciousness and relationships even as we work together to do tangible service to others.

Serve community – Joyful Activism.

When our practice and friendships and activism are infused with our highest inspiration, we are fed, rather than emptied, by our service. We expect that one of the primary forms of our service will be to discover and perfect and teach “best practices” that uplift the health, happiness, creativity, relationships, and effectiveness of other organizations and communities of practice doing good work.

Build connections and alliances among people and organizations doing good work (like those listed in the resource section in A New Republic of the Heart) recognizing them as “nodes” in the “network” that is the body of the new republic of the heart that is spontaneously coming into being.

Convene Gatherings.

Virtual Gatherings. We intend to create virtual gatherings, “meetings of the founding fathers and mothersof a new republic of the heart” and “pre-constitutional conventions” — preliminary gatherings and thought experiments that imagine how to co-create agreements and governance for a livable future, and how to enact an integral revolution of human culture, consciousness, economics, and politics.

In-Person Gatherings. We intend to convene a large-scale in-person conferencein the last quarter of 2019 or the first quarter of 2020, bringing together a large number of the many people helping co-create a healthy human future. the inherent beginnings of what we call “ a new republic of the heart”) to deepen our friendships, clarify and uplift our communities of practice, and connect our efforts to all the healthy initiatives that constitute the inherent emergence of that new healthy pattern of human culture.

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